Customer Testimonials

customer reviews pole buildings

Here are a few examples of our completed projects and what our customers had to say about the work done by the professionals at CDA Structures. We pride ourselves on being flexible and going above and beyond the expectations of our customers.

shop pole steele building

Building Size: 24x30x10

“Great Crew, always ahead of time and were willing to take care of the small details.” – Mike & Patty Way in Spirit Lake, ID

shop pole steele building

Building Size: 20x40x10

“I know you are the best. Everyone loves my shop… So do I!” – Fred Kunzli in Hayden, ID

shop pole steele building

Building Size: 24x30x10

“From the original design through completion, CDA Structures worked side by side with us to create a custom structure that met our specific needs.” – Michael Donaldson in Bayview, ID

About CDA Structures